Additional Care Days Sign Up!

Current Members

Sign up for School Holidays, Spring Break Camp, Christmas Camp, Teacher Work Days


*Please fill out the following:

1.  Google link below

2.  A registration for the current After School Year (located under After School tab at top).  The After School registration is where you will put required information such as  allergies, emergency contacts, medical information, etc.  *required

Sign up for School Holidays, Spring Break Camp, Christmas Camp, Teacher Work Days

More Info

Teacher Work Days

Members: *If your child attends, an additional $20 daily fee per child will be added to your weekly tuition.
Non-Members: *Tuition is $40 daily fee for each.

Holidays/Full Days
Members: *If your child attends, an additional $20 daily fee per child will be added to your weekly tuition.
Non-Members: *Tuition is $40 daily fee for each child.

Spring Break 

Price includes: Special events, snack and breakfast!
Members: *If your child attends, an additional $20 daily fee per child will be added to your weekly tuition or $169 total for the week.

Non-Members: *Tuition is $40 daily fee for each child or $179 for full week.


Full Day Hours:  

6:30am Early  drop off service - $0.25 cents per minute

Regular Drop Off:
